2023 Paddle Australia Canoe Polo Championships

2023 Paddle Australia Canoe Polo Championships

30+ people just finished participating at the Paddle Australia Canoe Polo Championships in Ballarat. They saw vibrant competition for three days, in temperatures ranging from 9 degrees to 15 degrees.
SA entered Under 21, Women, Open and Masters teams, and came second overall, with 3 of the four teams earning Silver and the new U21development team improving immensely.  
Canberra took home the State Trophy. 
The event saw SA strongly contribute to  a Polo revival that is building after low years, including covid affected times. 
Excellent teamwork in organisation and on the field made the event a real success for participants, and nationally reflected well on the polo-building contribution made by SA, over many years. 
The competition will be followed locally by NDCC holding a Mawson Lakes competition on  Sunday April 30, with excitement from “nationals” carrying over.  (Contact Matt Schar at matt.schar@gmail.com for details)
Noel Holmes
Chair PSAPolo