River Paddle Marathon 2025

The Coolest Paddling Marathon in Australia! paddlers from across Australia converge on the stunning Murray River in South Australia’s picturesque Riverland to connect, socialize, and, most importantly, compete in our exciting paddling challenges.

Regatta one PSA 2024

Regatta one had a wonderful representation, and the weather was just right for the event. The paddlers delivered some impressive times in the first race of the season. Well done to all!

Paddle Australia Qualification Scheme

Paddle SA Paddling South Australia Recreation, Sport and Training

Paddle SA is the sole South Australian National Training Provider (NTP) for the Paddle Australia Qualification Scheme (PAQS), which is the national benchmark for paddling education and quality assurance.

PADDLE SA Expressions of Interest

Paddle SA Paddling South Australia Recreation, Sport and Training

The Paddle SA Board is calling for nominations for the Chair and members for its Flatwater (Sprint and Marathon) and Canoe Polo Technical Committees.

PSA 2023 Annual Report

PSA Presidents Report,
PSA Executive Officer Report,
PSA Community Development Officer
Flatwater Technical Report,
Canoe Polo Technical Committee Report,
Adelaide Canoe Club Annual Report,
West Lakes Paddle Sports Report,
Encounter Paddling Annual Report,
Onkaparinga Canoe Club Annual Report,
Northern Districts Canoe Club,
Marathon Canoe Club Annual Report,
Holdfast Bay Paddle Sports Club Annual
State Development Report,
She Paddles Report,
Photos of 2023,
2023 PSA Awards,
Financial Report,
Independent Audit Report

Paddle SA Flatwater Leadership Training Course

The Paddle SA Flatwater Leadership Program delivers training for those seeking qualification as a Paddling Supervisor, Guide or Instructor.
Training is delivered in accordance with the Paddle Australia Qualification Scheme, the industry benchmark designed to meet the needs of the
paddling industry in education, recreational and tourism sectors nationwide.
These qualifications indicate competence in instructing groups and leading trips on inland waters such as lakes, reservoirs and gently flowing rivers.